OQ Measures
Use the AGPA Partnership with OQ Measures to help improve your treatment outcomes. AGPA Members save $50 per clinician!!
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OQ® Measures is dedicated to supporting AGPA members who are interested in increasing their overall treatment effectiveness by using Outcome and Group Measures to track the progress of members in group therapy.
What is the OQ® Family of Instruments and why should you use them?
The Group Readiness Questionnaire (OQ®-GRQ) identifies clients who are ready for group therapy or guides therapists to better prepare clients to participate in the group therapy.
The Group Questionnaire (OQ®-GQ) measures the members’ perception of the group relationship and cohesiveness. It looks at the positive bond, positive work and negative relationships between the members and the group leader(s).
The Group Climate Questionnaire (GCQ-S) developed by Dr. K. R. MacKenzie, measures how members regard their group experience. It looks at the positive working group atmosphere, identifies anger or tension of the group and indicates avoidance of personal responsibilities of group work.
Enhance your knowledge by measuring the mental health of your individual group members with the OQ®-45.2. The OQ®-45.2 allows you to look at individual group members. It measures three subscales: Interpersonal relationships, symptom distress and the social role.
The OQ®-Analyst (OQ®-A) software makes administering the Instruments simple and easy.
Reports provide feedback to the clinician within 3 seconds of a client completing an instrument. There is no guess work: the instruments are based on scientific data and over three decades of research. The instruments incorporate the latest technology and research findings.
Input can be a Kiosk (computer), PDA – docked or wireless, Netbook – online or wireless, scanner, or 10 key.
Two-tiered security ensures that employees only see the pre defined information needed to do the job. Access levels are set by the system administrator. OQ® Measures is HIPAA Compliant.
The system easily integrates with Electronic Medical Records Systems.
Visit the OQ Measures Website
Information on Measures and Pricing (PDF)
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